Thursday, July 28, 2005
Returning to ISS
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Everyone Is Watching NASA TV
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Discovery Is GO!
Return to Flight: STS-114 GO GO GO!
Google Adds RSS Reader to Personalized Home Page
Yahoo Buys Konfabulator
HOW TO make a "Windows Vista" AUX Display, NOW
Earlier this year Microsoft and ASUS showed a new technology that might be baked in to future laptops, an auxiliary display, a small LCD on the outside of a laptop that can display email, battery, CPU, Wi-Fi signal and all sorts of things. It's much like the Flipstart (that hasn't shipped). I like the idea, but don't wait to wait until Windows Vista/Longhorn so here's how to make your own that's almost as good...It's also a great and cheap way to add a LCD to a PC case, this HOW TO uses the now free Konfabulator! Here's how... More

YOUR DNA Map As Home Deco
Transformers, The MOVIE!
We're getting Transformers on the BIG SCREEN, 07-04-07! |
Sunglasses and suncream for dogs
Monday, July 25, 2005
Media Embargoes Obsoleted?
Steve Rubel: However, by soft launching it over the weekend, Microsoft put Virtual Earth (which rocks by the way) out there for all of us to blog about, basically jeopardizing any embargo that may exist.
Scobleizer: So, why do we have embargoes? I think it's one of those last things that survive from old-school PR. They are trying to give everyone in the media an equal shot at being out at the gate. I personally think we need to reevaluate our rules here. The word-of-mouth network is just getting too efficient to try to live by these rules anymore.
Rick Segal: Seems to me that’s the new way the messages are getting out and having PR departments control things with media embargoes, etc, is the surest way to lose control.
James Robertson: There are still plenty of PR people who think you can hold back information until a critical point, and then open the flood gates. That may have been true once, but it isn't true any longer. - especially for the large outfits like MS, IBM, Oracle (et. al.). There are simply too many people watching their every move, ready to pounce out with information. A decade ago, that didn't matter too much - an early leak meant that information hit the printed page a day (or a week) later. Now, early information leaks immediately.
Also on /.
Alt-n to update MDaemon with DKIM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Kite Aerial Photography
MoFo, two years after
MS-AOL settlement, the collapse of Netscape, the creation of MoFo, Firefox, IE7, the blogsphere...
It's two years.
MSN Desktop Search is a Seven Day Winner
Jeff Sandquist, Microsoft Evangelist, compared MSN Desktop Search vs. GDS. And integration of MSN Search in MSN Screen Saver as well.
MSN Virtual Earth Is Out Volume 03: Cars and Halloween
Microsoft Patents Custom Emoticons (Pat/No 760975)
Back in January 2004 Microsoft filed a patent in the US for the procedure for creating and transferring Custom Emoticons. It was published by the US patent office on Thursday. Comments from ZDNet UK:
- Mark Taylor, executive director of the Open Source Consortium, said the patent could be particularly problematic as it covers basic human communication. "Emoticons are a form of language, and a precedent allowing patenting of language constructs is very dangerous indeed." - Jonas Maebe, a spokesman for the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII), said that "it is unfortunately quite clear such patents have nothing to do with protecting investments nor R&D, and only with obtaining exclusion rights which can help them [Microsoft] maintain their dominant position in the market." - Such patents are in contradiction to the original purpose of the patent system, according to Maebe's colleague at the FFII, Felipe Wersen: "Patents were ultimately designed to benefit society — to have companies disclose things that benefit society which they wouldn't otherwise disclose. Who does this patent benefit?"I hope this patent is just not so serious. Patent Application Text
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Running Vista on Flash
Korean vendors are releasing large and fast flash chips and prospect to introduce units up to 100GB in the foreseeable future. Speculations float around on notebooks running on these flash devices in place of hard disks.
Many are concerned about the performance and writing cycles of these units once used in full-fledged Windows Vista instead of Windows CE. I'm thinking it's well time to revise NTFS for this trend.
An FS running on solid state should be designed with these in mind:
- Caching
- Shuffling
- Striping
- No defragging at all
Friday, July 22, 2005
Fly Your Own UFO
The Great Wall on Google Maps
Longhorn Christened 'Windows Vista'
REDMOND, Wash., July 22, 2005 — Today Microsoft Corp. announced the official name of its next-generation Windows® client operating system, formerly code-named “Longhorn.” Windows Vista Beta Beta 1, targeted at developers and IT professionals, will be available by August 3, 2005.Microsoft-Watch | ActiveWin | Update: Key Dates (More likely to slip over time) Beta 1:Watch Video "So there's no more Longhorn, We're now officially Windows Vista. All right!" Windows Vista Web site
RFID in Japan: Miragraphy - RFID enabled mirror
Hitachi announced yesterday a new mirror that functions as a computer display. It will be available for purchase in Japan on Septermber 30.
It combines a half mirror and a diffusion film to directly display digital information (text, photos, video, tv shows, websites, flash movies etc.) on a mirror surface using an LCD projector. This technology, called Miragraphy, also integrates sensors, RFID readers, barcode readers, cameras, etc. So, the mirror can automatically respond when people are aruond and personalize digital contents based on their sensed identities. [via] Link
Upcoming firefox release to be 1.5
Asa Dotzler: "For the last several months, we've been discussing the versioning of the upcoming Firefox release.
One major consideration in this decision was that the sheer volume of changes in the Firefox core (Gecko) made a minor .1 increment seem misleading. While it may not be obvious by looking simply at release dates, today's Gecko core of Firefox has seen nearly 16 months worth of changes compared to what shipped in Firefox 1.0. This is because we created our Gecko 1.7 branch (the branch from which Firefox 1.0 shipped) back in April of 2004. At that time, Gecko development on the trunk continued and very little of that work was carried over to the 1.7 branch to be included in Firefox 1.0.
Another consideration was that we've made some major improvements to the Firefox application, especially in the update and extension systems that warrant more than a minor version bump. Calling it 1.1 would suggest to most users that this was a minor update when in fact it is quite major and all 1.0 users really should move forward for a much improved product..." More | MozillaZine
Thursday, July 21, 2005
MSN Screen Saver (Beta)
- Personalize with background photos and news and weather information from MSN® or any RSS feeds from websites you choose.
- Search the Web and click news headlines directly from the Screen Saver.
- Stay connected with MSN Hotmail®, MSN Messenger, and MSN Spaces. Track how many unread Hotmail messages and current Messenger conversations you have, and display blogs and photos from your friends’ MSN Spaces.
MSN Messenger 7.5 BETA started
Fully-Autonomous Vehicle Driven by Mac OS X
No human driver. No remote control.
Team Banzai wins coveted invitation to the 2005 Grand Challenge National Qualifying Event. "Dora", is the world's first fully autonomous vehicle driven by Mac OS X. The entire development and race management efforts at Team Banzai is being done using Apple Mac OS X technology. Link | PR
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Google Moon Beta
"That's a small step for man, a giant leap for mankind."
Neil Armstrong - 36 years ago.
Google launched Google Moon today to commemorate the first lunar landing, which occurred on July 20, 1969. Google also disclosed the progress of Copernicus initiative. It confirms that on July 20th, 2069, in honor of the 100th anniversary of mankind’s first manned lunar landing, Google will fully integrate Google Local search capabilities into Google Moon, which will allow our users to quickly find lunar business addresses, numbers and hours of operation, among other valuable forms of Moon-oriented local information.

Why you never saw a 256M WM 2003 device
Interesting explanation on battery life concerning "the 72 hour rule" and how Persistent Storage in WM5 addresses this.
"when we shut you down because your batteries were "critically low," they were still 1/4 to 1/2 full. Why? Because, if the batteries ever fully died, it would be catastrophic. You'd lose your data, and that's, in our opinion, one of the worst things that can happen. So we made a requirement and held our OEMs to it. The requirement was that, at the point where we decided the batteries were "critically low," they had to still have enough power to keep the RAM charged for 72 hours. The idea there was that you could discover that you were out of power on Friday on the way home and you'd still have your data on Monday when you got back to your charger. A typical battery holds 1000mAh of charge. 128M of RAM takes about 500mAh to stay resident for 72 hours. 64M takes about 250. This is why you never saw a 256M WM 2003 device. It would have run for a minute then decided its batteries were critically low."Read More | Follow Up Part1 | Part2
Breaking News: Konica Minolta and Sony Agree to Jointly Develop DSLR
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
It Had to Happen: Flickr Spam
Dog Powered Scooter
People really getting into the Google Maps act!
I love this company
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