Sunday, April 10, 2005

Yifei Chen: A kind man with his big vision

Despite all criticisms as an entrepreneur and a boss, Chen has an artist's faith to build a world of vision. As the man who headed my first job, he gave full trust, opportunity, support and credit to people like me, my wife and people who became top designs years later. Chen recruited a few guys from SJTU to build in late 1998. This job turned a CS novice into a senior engineer in the Internet industry who later worked at Microsoft and eBay. A KPMG secretary went to job interview for Chen's secretary in 2001, but was recruited as an editor of and soon a feature editor of Vision Magzine. Chen sent these rookies abroad for National-Geography-like missions to build them up. She is working for Vogue now. With all respect, R.I.P., Chen. 著名导演、画家陈逸飞因胃出血刚刚在上海华山医院去世,享年59岁。据悉,在陈逸飞 死亡记录卡上,显示 是今天早上8点44分死亡,死因是上消化道大出血。 导演陈逸飞上海去世 新浪

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