Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Toshiba's New Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Recharges in Only One Minute

TOKYO -- Toshiba Corporation today announced a breakthrough in lithium-ion batteries that makes long recharge times a thing of the past. The company's new battery can recharge 80% of a battery's energy capacity in only one minute, approximately 60 times faster than the typical lithium-ion batteries in wide use today, and combines this fast recharge time with performance-boosting improvements in energy density. The new battery fuses Toshiba's latest advances in nano-material technology for the electric devices sector with cumulative know-how in manufacturing lithium-ion battery cells. A breakthrough technology applied to the negative electrode uses new nano-particles to prevent organic liquid electrolytes from reducing during battery recharging. The nano-particles quickly absorb and store vast amount of lithium ions, without causing any deterioration in the electrode. The excellent recharging characteristics of new battery are not its only performance advantages. The battery has a long life cycle, losing only 1% of capacity after 1,000 cycles of discharging and recharging, and can operate at very low temperatures. At minus 40 degrees centigrade, the battery can discharge 80% of its capacity, against 100% in an ambient temperature of 25 degree centigrade). Toshiba will bring the new rechargeable battery to commercial products in 2006. Initial applications will be in the automotive and industrial sectors, where the slim, small-sized battery will deliver large amounts of energy while requiring only a minute to recharge. For example, the battery's advantages in size, weight and safety highly suit it for a role as an alternative power source for hybrid electric vehicles. Toshiba expects that the high energy density and excellent recharge performance of the new battery will assure its successful application as a new energy solution in many areas of society.

Vincent van Gogh

Thursday, March 24, 2005


发信人: docf (默哀!百合), 信区: NJU 标 题: 野百合也有春天 发信站: 生命玄机 BBS (Sun Mar 20 11:48:59 2005),WWW信件 野百合也有春天 Sun Mar 20 11:41:23 2005 百合海外重建站点(请大家继续支持和关注我们的小百合 Sun Mar 20 11:37:43 2005 这是由海外的南大学子,百合以前元老级的站务和技术 Gerald , Zeegee等牵头组织,旅 居国外的南大同学们齐心协力支持和创建的百合海外站点。 她的名字叫做野百合。 我们的希望 和梦想, 在这春天来到的时候, 像野百合, 在春风,雨露,阳光和爱中, 成长, 茁壮的成长。 我们的爱, 和关怀, 像野百合, 走进我们的视野。 我们的执著 像野百合, 开遍满山。 希望下一个春天来临的时候, 我们的野百合, 像我们心中的小百合, 回家, 绚烂的绽放。 让我们相信, 百合永远与我们同在 请关注, 请支持, 无论什么样的方式。 -- ※ 来源:·生命玄机 BBS·[FROM:]

生命玄机 BBS -- [讨论区: NJU]

发信人: lilybbs (呵呵*让我想想), 信区: NJU 标 题: 最新流传的“最终公告”版本,多了这么几行字 发信站: 生命玄机 BBS (2005年03月18日15:26:52 星期五), 站内信件 最新流传的“最终公告”版本,多了这么几行字: “今强制恢复服务,请各位网友利用不确定的几天时间完成个人数据信 息的备份工作,但请各位版主不要破坏小百合任何版面数据,我们将在 合适的时间合适的环境中重开。 ” 如果大老妖能够带走百合的硬盘,保持如今的百合和将来的百合(如果有) 的延续性,我不会自杀id。 如果没有以上保证,即小百合BBS的硬盘数据及名称落入某些人手中,从而 沦为政宣的工具,我将自杀自己的id。 这不是抗议,不过是一种选择。我相信,一个id在BBS上存在的价值和意义 和一些数字没关系。 -- 庄子在《养生主》中说 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 大为感慨,说得多好啊 没想到,庄子接下来就说 以有涯随无涯,殆已。 翻译下来就是:如果用你有限的生命追随无限的知识,DB,你就可以去死了 ※ 来源:·生命玄机 BBS·[FROM:]
发信人: lilybbs (呵呵*让我想想), 信区: NJU 标 题: 小百合BBS最终公告zz 发信站: 生命玄机 BBS (2005年03月18日15:29:41 星期五), 站内信件 小百合BBS最终公告 鉴于校园BBS已被定位为学校内部传递信息的平台,学校有关方面要求小 百合实现实名制,而且校外用户将不再有发言权,这一点已与BBS的本质背道 而驰。鉴于此,小百合BBS站务组将无法保证各位网友的个人信息不被滥用, 也无法捍卫各位网友在小百合上的说话权利,同时小百合BBS技术组也难以完 成所谓的系统改造。 今强制恢复服务,请各位网友利用不确定的几天时间完成个人数据信息 的备份工作,但请各位版主不要破坏小百合任何版面数据,我们将在合适的 时间合适的环境中重开。 此次公告是小百合BBS的最终公告,关站后小百合BBS现任站务组和技术 组将自动解散。 我们将在合适的时间合适的环境中重开。 ——这是希望所在 -- 庄子在《养生主》中说 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 大为感慨,说得多好啊 没想到,庄子接下来就说 以有涯随无涯,殆已。 翻译下来就是:如果用你有限的生命追随无限的知识,DB,你就可以去死了 ※ 来源:·生命玄机 BBS·[FROM:]


本条目是正在发生或者将要发生的事件。当事件进行时,信息会很快的更新。 南大小百合是南京大学半独立性质的BBS。它由学生团体小百合工作室负责维护,网络流量费也由小百合工作室支付。小百合站创建于1997年7月25日,在1999年前曾有短暂的关闭史。曾用名“大红花的国度”。小百合站曾经一度发展为教育网内同时在线人数最多的BBS站点之一。 小百合站名称来源于第一任站长、同时也是百合站的创世者bird纪念一位活动在科大翰海星云站上账号为lily的女生。根据站方的《小百合史记》 (的有关记录,百合站的第一个账号为lily,第二个账号为bird。 Read More... 南京大学小百合BBS海外站点筹建组 NJU Lily BBS Oversea Construction Group 公元2005年3月22日北京时间00:04,通向小百合的比特流在这一刻停下了昔日匆忙的脚步。 虽然我们身在海外,但心系百合,小百合BBS在我们每一个人心中的地位是无法替代的。 经过慎重考虑,我们决定以南大小百合海外校友的名义,建设小百合海外分站,将百合馨香永留人间。 相信通过每一个南大人的努力,小百合将永远绽放。 相信通过每一个百合人的奉献,小百合将再度芬芳。 有关建站工作的最新进展,请关注本网页。 有关建议和意见,请前往: 讨论,或发送电子邮件给Gerald。 系统安装升级调试过程中,本网页可能会暂时无法访问,请随时查看最新动态。 南大小百合海外校友会 2005年3月19日


水木清华Science版于"3.16 水木清华BBS被迫对校外关站"事件后的进版 -- speedfire注 不回德国的声明 只要我还能有所选择,我就只想生活在这样的 国家里,这个国家所实行的是:公民自由,宽容, 以及在法律面前公民一律平等。公民自由意味着人 们有用语言和文字表示其政治信念的自由;宽容意 味着尊重别人的无论哪种可能有的信念。这些条件 目前在德国都不存在…… ——A.EINSTEIN 1933.3.10 附: 周济在教育部学习《意见》座谈会上的讲话   刚才大家谈到的网络,网络对青年学生的影响非常深刻,这是我们面临的新的情况。我们发现大部分的学生是不太看报纸和电视,主要得信息的途径就是网络,但是,我们也发现另外一个情况,其实国外的那些BBS网站没有什么影响,没有多少人相信,看的人也没有中国人多,这和中国的体制和机制有很大的关系。我发现有些学生不仅看,看了很多,还信,BBS网站上可以随意乱说,而且我发现很多的持有正确意见的人并不一定发表意见,倒是喜欢发牢骚的人喜欢发意见。还有一个重要的原因,国外组织很强大的力量在写各种各样不同的网络的信息,但是,我们面对的问题是,学生不仅看了,还相信,所以,这种情况下,给我们提出了很多新的问题,所有这些都是大学生思想政 治教育面临的新课题,所以,中央明确的提出来加强和改进大学生思想政治教育是一项 极为紧迫的重要任务。


藏字诗 (zz) 相传一清华学生3.16后在网上留此诗 流花残春临时, 枯枝折雀难栖, 明未至泪已尽, 发早生欲断魂; 衾虽暖心难温, 弩已折空余矢, 臣当道奈若何, 却此身酬明王。


"3.16"事件后南大小百合站长个人的最后声明 -- speedfire注 作 者: magasa 标 题: 最后公告 时 间: Thu Mar 17 19:15:51 2005 点 击: 285 寄信人: genie(大老妖) 标 题: Re: 没主题 发信站: 南京大学小百合站 (Thu Mar 17 12:35:10 2005) 来 源: 鉴于校园BBS已被定位为学校内部传递信息的平台,学校有关方面要求小百合实 现实名制,而且校外用户将不再有发言权,这一点已与BBS的本质背道而驰。鉴于此 ,小百合BBS站务组将无法保证各位网友的个人信息不被滥用,也无法捍卫各位网友 在小百合上的说话权利,同时小百合BBS技术组也难以完成所谓的系统改造。 此次公告是小百合BBS的最终公告,关站后小百合BBS现任站务组和技术组将自 动解散。 小百合BBS站务组

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

300 Buddies per MSN Messenger!

"I've been waiting for you, Obiwan, and we meet again at last." How long have we all been waiting for Microsoft to increase the limit of contacts MSN Messenger can hold per address? Many months at least, years for some of us. Well, finally our wish is their command - they have increased the limit to double what it was previously. You will not need to install any newer versions of MSN Messenger for this change to take place - you should be able to add more people immediately.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Google Holiday Logo: World Water Day 2005

Born Geek: Firefox Toolbar Tutorial

This tutorial explains how to create a toolbar extension for the Firefox web browser. Throughout this tutorial, we will construct a skeleton version of Googlebar Lite.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Tow button Apple Mouse

This could happen as ThinkPad's got touchpad already. AppleInsider claims that Apple is feverishly working on a two button mouse. While its one button mouse is the best looking on the market, most of us find us swapping it away for a 2, 3, or even 5 button mouse.

Yahoo actually does acquire Flickr

"Holy smokes, SOMEBODY out there is bad at keeping secrets!! Yes! We can finally confirm that Yahoo has made a definitive agreement to acquire Flickr and us, Ludicorp."...

Thinker: 对话STL之父Alex Stepanov

在开发业界,每一个时期总有一些代表的人物,代表的技术。STL就是这样的一门技术,它是那样深刻地影响了一个时代的C++开发。和一群聪慧的C++程序员谈STL,就如同和资深的会计师谈珠算一般。 今天我们就有幸请到了STL之父Alex Stepanov,为我们溯源STL,你甚至还能读到对OO与众不同的理解等内容,希望读者能有所收获。 Alex先生的忠告很简洁:“好好学数学,好好学计算机,好好学英语。”

Sunday, March 20, 2005


按照教育部相关文件的要求,高校BBS 必须向实名制下校内交流平台改造,全国最大的校园BBS论坛“水木清华”被要求作为典型实施.在本月16日,"水木清华"由开放式论坛转为限制清华校内登录,拒绝校外任何IP的访问。众多离校的校友,教育网其他院校的师生,以及公网上的众多注册用户无法登录... 3月16日,清华大学BBS水木清华站务委员会发出通知称,该站从当天已由开放型转为校内型,限制校外IP访问———校外用户将不能访问BBS水木清华站. 记者昨日登录多家高校BBS后获悉,北京大学、南开大学、武汉大学等高校的BBS均已在近日作出类似调整.其中,有些BBS站已经停止了新用户注册,有些则全站进入”只读状态”. 除了”系统维护”的原因之外,各家高校均未对此事作出进一步的解释. 一名水木清华用户在帖子中称,此次调整是根据教育部相关文件执行的.但该帖子并没有说明是什么文件. 水木清华BBS始建于上个世纪九十年代,经过数年发展,现已成为拥有近百版面并集成有增强型BLOG功能的大型综合性信息交流平台。凭着良好的用户、群体氛围,优秀的学术、信息类版面建设,"水木"在Alexa全球网站排名中排1440位,多数时间保持近万人同时在线,最高在线人数曾一度达到近25000余人,而目前水木的访问量已不足 6000. 北京大学(北大未名站)无法匿名浏览网页 3月4日11时30分左右,BBS北大未名站务委员会发出公告:”由于近期本站平均及峰值在线人数激增,来自于公众网的访问请求显著增多,为加强系统处理能力……本站拟于2005年03月04日23时起进行系统维护.本次系统维护将主要影响部分公众网用户对本站的访问……” 一些北大校内学生回忆,从3月5日起,BBS北大未名站便时常莫名断线,3月6日更是长时间不能连接.3月7日,未名BBS基本恢复正常,但校外用户发现,已经无法从校外IP登录未名,有时甚至无法匿名浏览. 3月9日晚10时,BBS北大未名站务委员会再次发出公告:”经过多方努力,目前校外网络用户已经可以使用匿名方式访问本站”.至今,校外用户只能匿名浏览BBS北大未名站,无法登录留言. 据BBS北大未名站相关负责人透露,学校在2月底时接到了教育部的一份文件,根据文件指示,学校从3月5日开始,对未名BBS作出禁止校外IP登录的调整. 南开大学(我爱南开站)已停止新用户注册 从3月17日开始,南开大学的BBS我爱南开站已经开始对校外用户进行登录限制,并停止了新用户的注册. 当天晚上,BBS我爱南开站发出的一封公开信写道:”经上级领导指示,现对本站校外用户访问策略做如下调整:1.3月18日起,暂停校外新用户注册. 2.3月18日起,限制校外普通用户的发文权限,保留讯息、信件权限.校外版务可以发文,继续参与版面管理.何时恢复,本站将会另行通知.为此对您造成的不便,我们深感歉意,希望您仍一如既往地关心和支持我爱南开BBS!特此公告.” 华中科技大学(白云黄鹤站)和武汉大学的珞珈山水站全站进入只读状态 17日开始,白云黄鹤站已经因系统升级取消了发言权限,全站进入”只读状态”. 白云黄鹤站务贴出了一封公告:”由于本站程序升级,从2005年3月17日17时起,全站进入只读状态.此次程序升级至少需要一星期时间,具体时间需根据进度确定,本站站务组和技术组会努力尽快完成升级工作.请大家理解.白云黄鹤BBS站务组2005年3月17日”. 南京大学(小百合站)昨天进入升级期 昨晚,南京大学BBS发出公告,在公告中首次使用了”南京大学BBS网站”的名称,而没有用传统的名称”南京大学小百合BBS”.公告中说,BBS的升级期为昨天,到3月21日24时为止. 公告内容如下:   "现就近期南京大学BBS网站系统升级改造的有关事宜做如下说明:1.南京大学BBS网站进行系统升级是一个较为复杂的过程,由此给大家带来了学习、生活等方面的某些不便,敬请谅解.2.因新系统运行程序与原系统有一定差异,从即日起至3月21日24时止,请各位务必把现在存放于小百合BBS网站上的个人文档和其他相关资料下载备份,以防丢失.请将此消息相互转告.3.热忱欢迎大家一如既往地关心和支持南京大学BBS网站.” 复旦大学(日月光华站)尚未确定是否调整 昨天下午,记者远程登录复旦大学的BBS日月光华站,除了有时因服务器堵塞掉线外,日月光华站目前一切运转正常,可以发言跟贴. 在日月光华站的个别版面上出现了一些关于对BBS实名制的讨论,但这些留言的前面很快便被版面管理员打”×”禁止回复.一位版面管理员介绍说,他昨天接到学校通知,要注意对版面信息的及时整理. 日月光华站站长薛云皎表示,按照学校规定,他不能够对有关BBS系统改造进行评论. 复旦大学党委办公室范小姐则介绍,日月光华站的系统是否调整还在规划之中,此刻学校拒绝接受关于BBS的任何采访. And Also: 水木清华BBS的关闭与以往的BBS岁月

Friday, March 18, 2005

Foxmail is Dead

腾讯科技讯 北京时间2005年3月16日,腾讯公司正式签署收购国内领先的电子邮件软件开发商Foxmail软件及有关知识产权的协议。 Foxmail的创办人张小龙,以及20位Foxmail团队成员亦将加入腾讯。腾讯公司计划利用此项收购获得的技术和人才,提升QQ电子邮件客户端的服务,并计划在今年稍后推出优质的网络版邮件服务。

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

IE7 Tabbed and Fed?

In IE7 (code named 'Rincon') apparently we can expect 32 bit PNG support, native IDN support, new functionality that will simplify printing from inside IE and, said, tabbed browsing. The new browser also will likely include a built-in news aggregator.

Quote of the Day

"Blogging is like writing an email, cc:World." - Doc Searls

Monday, March 07, 2005

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Netscape 8 Sucks

Blake: All of Walt’s criticisms are sad echoes of the very complaints reviewers had 4 years ago when Netscape released 6.0, demonstrating Netscape’s stunning reluctance to learn from the mistakes that drove its marketshare to virtually nothing...There’s too much wrong in Netscape 8 to cover it all in one post, so I’m going to tackle the various issues in daily posts over the next week. The best possible Netscape 8 would be simply replacing Firefox' window title and application icon to Netscape.

Mozilla China Launched

March 4, 2005, (Mountain View, CA). The Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving choice and promoting innovation on the Internet, today announced the launch of and the creation of Mozilla China, a non-profit organization to help develop, promote, and deploy Mozilla products in China. The launch of Mozilla China follows similar international affiliate programs Mozilla Europe and Mozilla Japan. The Mozilla China project has been spearheaded by the Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISCAS) and the Sun (China) Engineering and Research Institute (ERI). ISCAS is a leading government funded research institute in China which focuses on the fundamental theories of computer science as well as software technologies and their applications. ERI is an integral part of Sun's international R&D program.

Friday, March 04, 2005

GlobalFlyer: Mission Accomplished

SALINA, KAN. - American adventurer Steve Fossett landed safely in Kansas Thursday afternoon, becoming the first person to fly solo around the world without stopping or refuelling. "That was something I've wanted to do for a long time," Fossett said after climbing out of the cramped 2.1-metre cockpit of the custom-made GlobalFlyer. "It was a major ambition." The journey of 37,000 kilometres took 67 hours, many of them fraught with anxiety over whether the aircraft had enough fuel for the trip. However, Fossett managed to touch down at Salina Municipal Airport at 2:50 p.m. EST, to the delight of mission control staff, a small crowd and a marching band that had gathered to welcome him. Fossett and his team decided Wednesday to push forward from Hawaii rather than abort the trip by landing to check the accuracy of fuel gauges showing that about one-seventh of the jet's fuel supply had mysteriously disappeared during the flight's early stages. Favourable tailwinds helped propel the GlobalFlyer across the Pacific, conserving what fuel remained in the tanks until it was safely over land and able to glide to the ground if necessary. The last part of Fossett's path took him south of Las Vegas, over the southern edge of the Grand Canyon, over New Mexico and into Salina. On Wired

Microsoft Loses Key Windows Architect to Google

Mark Lucovsky, a former Microsoft distinguished engineer, has quietly abandoned the Redmond ship for one of Microsoft's archrivals. One of Microsoft's key Windows architects has defected to Google. But at least so far, no one is talking about what Marc Lucovsky's new role will be at one of Microsoft's major rivals. A 16-year Microsoft veteran, Lucovsky was one of a handful of "Distinguished Engineers" at Microsoft. He is credited as one of the core dozen engineers that came from Digital Equipment Corp. to Microsoft and built the Windows NT operating system. He was charged with building the Windows NT executive, kernel, Win32 run-time and other key elements of the operating system.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Happy 10th Birthday, Yahoo!

Yahoo! Netrospective: 10 years, 100 moments of the Web

Bill Gates Receiving an Honorary Knighthood

According to the U.K. Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the honorary knighthood recognizes Gates' contributions to improving health and reducing poverty in parts of the Commonwealth and elsewhere in the developing world. Gates also was recognized for his contribution to enterprise, employment, education and the voluntary sector in the United Kingdom.

Slashdot:More On Save Enterprise Donations

" today announced that three anonymous contributors from the commercial spaceflight industry have stepped forward with a $3 million pledge toward the campaign to ensure a fifth season for the recently cancelled Star Trek: Enterprise. The benefactors explained why they believe this campaign deserves such a substantial contribution: 'We think Star Trek and especially its latest incarnation, Enterprise is the kind of TV that should be aired more often. The people responsible at Paramount think this is just a show and we want to tell them, it is not. We are in the commercial space flight industry and would like to testify that at least one out of two of all the actual entrepreneurs involved in this industry has been inspired by Star Trek; and we are not only good at watching TV sci-fi , we are also good at writing checks, big checks. The people airing this kind of TV have a responsibility; inspiration.' " We reported on this a few days ago, but this is more info about the largest donors."

HP ex-CEO to World Bank, Apple saved.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Yahoo! News - Yahoo! Set to Celebrate 10th Anniversary

For many including me, it would be among the first websites they ever visited. In an era before Google, it was often seen as the place to search. And today, Yahoo! turns 10 years old. The site's founders have been talking to AP about the growth of the company - from a college hobby to a multi-billion dollar firm employing more than 7,600 people. Jerry Yang and David Filo still own just over a tenth of the company between them - that alone makes them worth almost $5bn. While it wasn't the first commercial success of the internet, it was one of the earliest. Netscape was quicker off the mark, but Yahoo! is still around today. "People gave us no chance of success 10 years ago," Filo said. "We have a lot of competition as always, but now we have got ourselves in a leadership position where our future success is really up to us." Even the dot-com crash couldn't sink this site. The company's value slumped - to $4.6bn at one point - but a shake-up and the creation of new subscription services are credited with turning it around. Technology industry analyst Rob Enderle said: "Yahoo really defined an era. They are the ones who set the tone for the Internet." And it looks like they'll be continuing to play a part in its development for many years yet.

Photo Galleries for 2005 Oscars

Academy Awards live pictures since 1996 with descriptions and links to Yahoo! Movies database.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mac Inventor Jef Raskin Dies at 61

Jeff Raskin, inspirer and co-inventor of legendary Apple Macintosh computer, died on February 26th, 2005 surrounded by his family and loved ones. The mathematician, composer, model airplane designer and pioneer in the field of human-computer interactions had recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, his family said in a Press Statement posted on Wired: Mac's Original Designer Dies