Monday, November 28, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So Long, Sam, and Thanks for All the Ugliness!

AP: SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Sam, the tiny dog whose hairless body and crooked teeth earned him a reputation as the World’s Ugliest Dog, has died. The pooch died Friday, just short of his 15th birthday, his owner said. “I don’t think there’ll ever be another Sam,” Susie Lockheed said, adding: “Some people would think that’s a good thing.”

Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Launched

I've hold for myself.

Hotmail/Live Mail In Your Own Domain

MX your domain to hotmail and they do the rest. Pretty cool. However, while having enough spare money to maintain tens of TLD names, I'm too old for relying my ego on a TLD... Still damn cool though. @ddr in your own domain for mail and IM, with full MSN integration. It's way beyond Passport in your own email @ddr. What's the next,

Something about that dark fiber and underground shipping container

The probable answer lies in one of Google's underground parking garages in Mountain View. There, in a secret area off-limits even to regular GoogleFolk, is a shipping container. But it isn't just any shipping container. This shipping container is a prototype data center. Google hired a pair of very bright industrial designers to figure out how to cram the greatest number of CPUs, the most storage, memory and power support into a 20- or 40-foot box. We're talking about 5000 Opteron processors and 3.5 petabytes of disk storage that can be dropped-off overnight by a tractor-trailer rig. The idea is to plant one of these puppies anywhere Google owns access to fiber, basically turning the entire Internet into a giant processing and storage grid. [read][chs]

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Good-bye WebTrends, and All Other Log Analysts

I signed up as UA-52128-1. However, as an anti-ego-surfer religiously, (also a Pastafarian btw) I didn't install the tracking .js. And I never looked at my w3logs except for troubleshooting purpose.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Monday, November 07, 2005


It's late but I've gotta blog this old news. Singularity Homepage PDF


理查德斯多曼,美夷人也,以自由软体为天下闻。 少从美夷国子监习格致之学。时美夷电算之学大兴,斯氏亦习之。 电算,本算筹之学,我华夏周公时已有,易理阴阳即暗合之。然夷人以电加之,以数理导之,展其功用,为算学,勘舆黄,探天文,计商贾,拟人智,几近无事不可为。奇技淫巧若此也。徒算机不自行,人须以机语定其运行之规,植于其上,曰软体。算机之能,人多谓软体之功。 麻郡府学有拟智所,斯氏自国子监出,入其内,为算工凡十年。里根四年,斯氏自拟智所出,举事曰"革奴"。 软体本为无形。一软体出,既善,民咸袭用之,人不以为忤。有奸商欲渔利其内,谕其用者:"尔等欲用,须纳价金若干,且不得令他人袭用。否则,智产之法为尔等所设,必召有司纠之!"斯氏怒其奸利,更深感其弊。以斯氏观之,民习一私有软体,即甘为其奴,自由尽失,故其事曰革奴,亦有争自由之义。 "革奴",夷语中意为"革奴非优尼克士"。优尼克士亦为一软体,儒林算工界多用。时有巨商,以优尼克士为己有,人用多有所禁。斯氏举革奴首事,即造类优尼克士而非优尼克士软体。 斯氏所造软体,初有伊麻克士编辑器,复有革奴编译器。 编辑器者,使算机代刀笔汗青;编译器者,使人语为算机可解。此二物,黑客世界生民无一日可缺。即此二物,斯氏居功已甚伟。然众软体之基元,人谓操作系统者,久而未完,独缺。 时西夷千九八年代,微型算机兴。微型算机者,甚巧致,价颇廉,美商十八摸首推,众商从之,遂泛滥。至美夷则陋室亦有之,数以千万计。其上操作系统阙如。时有商曰软微,嗜其利,与十八摸通,购一物,改之,曰逗死;后又推其暨,曰瘟逗死;广植微型算机上,获利甚丰。其物仅略敷民用,为儒林所不齿。 芬夷国子监有生员曰林纳士,少即乐与算机戏。至长,从电算之学,尤喜优尼克士。我华夏 镇乱三年,林氏购一新机,欲于其上演优尼克士。然林氏可用者,惟一迷你克士也,甚不满,遂起意自造,命其名曰林纳克士。林纳克士初成,林氏置之于因特之网为众人观,有好者即增益之。镇乱五年,林纳克士成。林纳克士之成,多有革奴软体之功,故亦有人曰革奴林纳克士。至此,革奴工程初峻。斯氏之大业亦初成。 自由软体出,斯氏忧其为奸商所盗,穷其巧思,得一法。拟软体公授令,置自由软体中。其令曰:此软体汝可用,惟不可禁他人之用。其义简,然制奸小,捍自由,功殊不可没。 时至千九十年代,软微坐大,众商多受其制,苦不堪言。无计,告于官府,官亦不纠。软微之霸,多赖瘟逗死,其源码不为众人知。众商借重自由软体,以抗软微,故自由软体于商界亦兴。 斯氏于自由,属意甚坚,人多以之为过苛,斯氏独不然也。有黑客文士瑞蒙德,及林纳士,皆曰过甚,另起事曰开源。其本意与自由软体同,惟利与众商和。 斯氏,性简易,无妻女,无恒产,士于此多敬之。其独慕荣名。天下人视斯氏,褒者以之为圣贤,贬者以之为疯悖。 < 算史公赞曰: 天下熙熙,皆为利来;天下攘攘,皆为利往,电算界亦若是。然斯氏独不以利为要,举自由之旗,破奸利之弊,不亦宜乎!吾辈今可用自由软体,悉有斯氏之功。伟哉,理查德斯多曼。

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Cult of iPod

Download details: Microsoft Color Control Panel Applet for Windows XP

Download details: Microsoft Color Control Panel Applet for Windows XP Or [Download Link]

Hippo Water Roller

Millions of people worldwide are forced to walk long distances on a daily basis to collect their water requirements for the day. Traditional methods of collecting water include the use of 20-liter (5-gallon) buckets, which are laboriously carried on the head. Extensive suffering occurs in the process. This method is very time and energy consuming and is also the cause of many serious health problems. The Hippo Water Roller was specifically designed to alleviate the suffering caused by a lack of access to water. The Hippo Water Roller is a barrel-shaped container designed to transport 90 liters (20 gallons) of water. It comprises of a drum with a large screw-on cap and a clip-on steel handle.

Friday, November 04, 2005



Google Desktop Graduated

Today's the day that Google Desktop 2 comes out of beta, and that means you'll see some significant improvements -- like new sidebar panels, more plug-in development options, and better support for enterprise installations...