Monday, October 31, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Germany's Agfa Nearing the End
Thursday, October 20, 2005
IMDb 15th Anniversary
-- 15 years ago this week (Oct 17th, exactly) the Internet Movie Database, in essence, took shape. In those 15 years we have enjoyed the camaraderie and marveled at the efforts of hundreds of thousands of participants with the site. It is due to everyone's hard work, attention to detail, diligence, and love of movies and media that the site is what it is today. The founders and staff cannot thank those who have contributed, corrected, criticized, coerced, and (sometimes) complimented us enough. This site is a testimony to the power of this medium and the power that movies have to inspire and to create a community. Here's to our next 15 years together...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Blogspot / Blogger accessible from China
Not sure how permanent this is, but it's a welcome sign for sure, NOT being able to read 1000s of blogs was a bit painful. I wonder whether now they will only block specific sites such as Sitename.Blogspot.com rather than anything related to that domain. Let's hope it's not temporary, or just a glitch in the system...
Try: Official Google Blog
Walk - Don't Walk
Siemens AG - An Oven with an “Elevator” — Roasting at Eye Level
Wikipedia:Errors in the Encyclopædia Britannica that have been corrected in Wikipedia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This page catalogs some mistakes and omissions in Encyclopædia Britannica (EB) and shows how they have been corrected in Wikipedia.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Lomoblog Redux
For more than a year, I hosted lomoblog.xicp.net at home via ACDSeeShare.
ACDSeeShare was a good piece of software in that:
Note: If you happen to be the very first people to visit a folder, it’s going to be slow. Just wait while the thumbnails are being generated and cached up.
a) It shares picture folders directly and recursively. b) Thumbnails are generated on the fly.Thus there’s NO need to generate any web albums. Just sharing the folders in ACDSee does the trick to make plain folders into browsable web albums. It’s important for me because I want to share all my 13k+ and ticking public-safe pictures without generating hundreds of albums. And the downsides:
a) It runs on its own http daemon. I have to put it on port 1863 as I run IIS on 80. b) Page layout is ugly. Not much to customize. And unfriendly to Firefox.Despite these it’s a promising piece. I had been waiting for an update to iron out the cons. However, ACDSystems only released it for one build and discontinued. It’s totally disappeared from ACDSystems’ product catalog. And it won’t run on ACDSee 8. That’s it, my biggest failure in investing effects into a wrong piece recently. After googling for a while, I bumped into this piece of php code. It roughly does the same: directly folder sharing; on the fly and cached thumbnails. And it runs on IIS, uses CSS, and table/frame free. The downside: thumbnails are cached on disk as small jpg files. But it’s fine as long as they don’t take much space and I can purge them easily. The generating is also slow and cpu intensive. Acceptable for a one-time generation. I don’t know much php. So I manually translated the code into English via http://php.net/manual/en/ for review. There’re some security issues in the code to fix. And I have to do some tricks in order to share my picture library which is not in the same folder as the script. Naughty tricks, which wiped off half year’s worth of pictures combined with some carelessness. I’ve got to be very careful this time. Other things like tweaking titles and CSS were just smooth. So here we go:
Sunday, October 09, 2005
I/O Brush: The World as the Palette
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The 2005 Ig™ Nobel Prize Ceremony
The 2005 Ig™ Nobel Prize Ceremony
WHEN: Thursday, October 6, 2005, 7:30 pm.
(Note: the pre-ceremony concert and the webcast begin at 7:15)
WHERE: Sanders Theater, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
(Info about how to pahk your cah near Hahvud Yahd)
WHAT: The 15th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony. Ten new Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded in categories ranging from Physics, Medicine and Chemistry to Literature and Peace. The new winners traveled to the ceremony, at their own expense, from several continents. The Prizes were handed to them by a group of genuine, genuinely bemused Nobel Laureates, all before a standing-room only audience of 1200 people. Full details and action pictures will appear in the Nov/Dec 2005 issue of the Annals of Improbable Research.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
HP Preinstalls Netscape
Autodesk Acquires Alias
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