Monday, February 28, 2005
2^25,964,951-1: 42nd Mersenne Prime Found
Friday, February 25, 2005
Stop Buying Fur
Father of "Final Fantasy" is Microsoft FTE
"REDMOND, Wash. - Feb. 24, 2005 - Microsoft Corp. today announced that Hironobu Sakaguchi, video game legend and president of Mistwalker game studio, has joined with Microsoft® Game Studios to develop role-playing game (RPG) video games exclusively for the next-generation Xbox® video game platform. Sakaguchi is best known as the creator of the "Final Fantasy" franchise, which has sold more than 60 million units worldwide, and was executive vice president in charge of game development at Square Enix Co. Ltd. until February 2001..."
Firefox 1.0.1 Released
Wired 13.02: The Firefox Explosion
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Leica in financial crisis: Digital Photography Review
Google movies: now playing
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Wikipedia Outage
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Smart Tag Creator Behind Google's New Autolink Feature
PMA 2005 Show Report On DPReview
New differentiation points - Large LCD's, Image Stabilization The beginnings of a move away from increasing megapixels (although still more to come) Widening of product offerings, more cameras with medium to large zoom (6x - 12x) Mostly five and seven megapixel CCD's MPEG-4 video still won't arrive fully, we'll see it in some models but not enough More cameras with built-in flash storage (and no supplied storage card) Beginnings of wireless connectivity provision but still limited Lots of digital SLR's this year, although perhaps not all announced at PMA
Friday, February 18, 2005
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Intel Announces Laser Breakthrough: Silicon laser runs non-stop
Google Toolbar 3 beta: Smart Tags on the web?
Lessons Learned From Google Blogger Who Got Fired
Lesson #1: Know your company's corporate culture before you blog about it. Lesson #2: Blogs may feel like a whispered conversation with a few close friends, but they're more akin to speaking aloud in a crowded public place. Lesson #3: If you post sensitive content on your blog, it may not be enough to revise or remove it. Content gets cached on the Web. It may already be too late. Lesson #4: If your company doesn't provide a blogging policy, ask for one. At a minimum, have an open discussion with your manager and maybe even an HR person before getting started. Lesson #5: When it comes to blogging about work, don't make the same mistake twice.
Firefox 1.0 smashed through the 25 million download milestone in 99 days
"With a minimal set of tools—an affiliate system, a small donations fundraising system, blogs, galleries, forums, and the good old human larynx—you all are spreading Firefox to a quarter of a million people a day. More than 500,000 sites now link to Firefox according to Google—a fivefold increase from six months ago. What was just a small flame 100 days ago has since exploded into a phenomenal demonstration of the power of open source. Tens of thousands of devoted users and fans are a powerful and capable force of change. We have created a special commemorative image if you would like to mark this milestone on your own site.In celebration of this 25 million downloads milestone, and in celebration of each and every one of you, the Mozilla Store is offering a 25% discount on Firefox t-shirts, polo shirts (non-launch), plush toys and hats. This discount is available now and will last until 11:59 PM EST on Thursday, February 17.
As an additional "token" of our appreciation, we are also pleased to announce that the kind folks over at CoinsForAnything have offered to provide us with 100 free collectors' coins to commemmorate this milestone in Internet history. We have provided a mockup above of how these coins will look. We will be awarding a quarter of these coins to the top 25 most active SpreadFirefox members, where "most active" is defined by the number and quality of the member's posts (as rated by the community), how many comments he's posted, whether or not he has engaged the community by rating other users' posts, and how much affiliate traffic he has generated for Firefox. We have placed much greater emphasis on how a member has helped grow the sfx community than on how much traffic he has sent to Firefox."
2004 A.M. Turing Award to TCP/IP Creator
Monday, February 14, 2005
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Current Development Over At TLF
“最近一段时间论坛都不太正常,基本上已经维持了快两个月了.从1月22号开始,论坛连续关闭20天,这其中有很多原因, 首先,论坛一个个功能被迫关闭,最近参与,搜索,附件,头像,.....,21号发生了一次事件,论坛数据库丢失了两周,以此为导火线,我觉得实在无法忍受了,所以决定重新建立新的论坛,要求不高:保持现有的论坛程序基础上把那些功能恢复,尤其是搜索功能.如果现有论坛程序做不到,则更换论坛 其次,22号开始论坛受到ddos攻击,提供web服务器的管理员决定收回服务器,由于这是tlf仅有的一台web服务器,所以当时我们已经没有服务器继续提供服务 再次,以此为基础,重新招募了论坛技术员和web服务器,经过相关人士不懈的努力,论坛基本可以恢复正常,但是ddos供给仍然在继续,我们只好不断的搬迁再搬迁.论坛数据也在一次次搬迁测试中越来越混乱.所以有不少在测试期间的内容都丢失了 最后,迫于一些外界压力和技术要求,不得不更改论坛程序,现在用了新的论坛程序phpwind 新论坛的一些说明: 新论坛基本上把数据转了回来,2月4号以后的帖子丢失,投票有些故障,其他基本正常.另外把原来的发贴数对应现在的金钱,供娱乐.原来的积分对应现在的威望,对应升级活跃会员(除此之外积分/威望没有任何用处).相应的奖罚有一些更动大家慢慢体会 数据丢失的善后处理: 由于论坛数据库丢失,以及论坛的现状,作如下特殊处理: 1.论坛完全恢复正常前不审核工作两,不会被降级,升级可以 2.会员级别丢失的,请找当时给你该会员级别的人修正 3.威望在tlf只是一个摆设,在此期间损失的就不补了,如果你觉得实在不公平,希望补回威望和金钱,请找lynn 4.号召会员补回挂记期间的内容 现在论坛暂时半正常,很多功能还在重新设置中,也不定什么时候就挂了.我们能做的就是尽力坚持,也希望大家理解 由于论坛挂的时间太长,很多ftp关闭了,还有不少机主联系不到,现在整个下在体系混乱中,tlf相关功能都受到了很大影响,但是只要论坛还在,那么ftp还会有的,内容也会重新分配整理的,唯一需要的只是时间,请耐心等候. 紧急招募启事: 招募提供web服务器,要求必须是中国电信,100m带宽,linux/bsd系统为佳,win也成,配置要好.服务器数量越多,我们越有可能重新开放,请大家支持,提供者一律vip会员奖励 另外由于论坛关了这么久,很多ftp也关闭了,造成ftp栏目有很大的缺口,现在急需有能力提供ftp的人帮助补上这些缺口.要求100m ftp,80g以上空间,现在提供ftp的一旦采用为主力ftp一律奖励topsite账号 最后声明,我自始至终坚持论坛非商业化,永远不会改变,因此我们不可能拥有完全属于自己的服务器(硬件有线路没有),我们的服务器都是靠别人提供的,谁也不知道什么时候就关闭,别人都说是因为tlf坚持这种免费共享的信念才会受到这么多攻击,没错我想也是.但是有一点可以肯定,只要还有人愿意提供服务器给我,只要还有人愿意帮助建设tlf,那么tlf永远都会继续站起来.无论什么攻击或者其他事情不会改变我的理念,tlf不会长时间关闭注册,也不会有任何商业性质.”
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Inside Google Maps
"By now, many of you will have gone and tried out the new Google Maps application. By and large, you have to admit that it's pretty damned slick for a DHTML web application -- even my wife was impressed, and that's not easy with geek toys. So, in the spirit of Google Suggest and GMail, I've decided to have a quick peek under the hood to figure out what makes it tick. The first thing I noticed is that it doesn't quite work like GMail. Whereas GMail uses XMLHttp to make calls back to the server, Google Maps uses a hidden IFrame. Each method has its benefits, as I'll discuss below, but this difference of approach does seem to imply that it may not be the same team doing the work..."